🎁 WBR | InvestOps

  • Link: InvestOps from WBR

  • Dates: March 26, 2018 – March 27, 2018
  • Available to: All traders, IBs, investors, analysts, enthusiasts, financial institutions, etc.

  • To participate: Register, pay the fee and attend.

  • Offer: Attend the only gathering focused on the buy side of investment operations. This event will be hosted at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, in Florida. You will have the opportunity to benchmark all your pre- and post- trade operations with the cream of the crop within the industry and to interact with more than 100 heads of investment operations teams from all around the world. You can also expect more than 200 operations leaders attending, 60 speakers sharing their experiences and 15 hours of networking.
  • Other conditions: If you register before January 12, 2018 you can get a special discount.


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