🎁 easyMarkets | Undo Losing Trades dealCancellation

  • Link: dealCancellation from easyMarkets

  • Dates: all year 2025
  • Available to: All clients.

  • Offer: Undo your losses to trade risk-free, this means that if the markets goes against you, you can simply choose to cancel that trade as if it never happened, getting back the funds that you were supposed to lose.
  • How to get: When you open a trade, click on the dealCancellation icon to activate this feature. You can choose the expiry time of the dealCancellation, up to 60 minutes. It will also show the fee charged in accordance to the instrument, the size of the trade and the volatility of the market. Once you agree with the terms of your trading ticket, just accept the trade and make your transaction as you’d normally do. If the market starts going againts you, close your deal and it will automatically recover your risked funds.


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