🎁 FXFlat | Education package (In German)

  • Link: https://www.fxflat.com/de/konto-eroeffnen/education-paket/

  • Dates: Until May 31, 2016.
  • Available to: New clients.

  • Offer: Get a complete educational package for free. The package includes the books:

    “Risiko- und Moneymanagement” (Risk and Money management) by Sebastian Steyer
    ”Optionsstrategien für die Praxis” (Options’ strategy for the practice) by Jens Rabe
    “So optimieren Sie Ihr Trading” (So optimize your trading) by Andreas and Christian Weiß

    The package also includes an overview of upcoming webinars and a 50% discount up to €140 in the upcoming webinar series with Mario Lüddemann.
  • How to get: Open a new account through the registration form.