- Link: Risk Manager from Markets.com
- Dates: All year 2024
- Job location: Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Job description: Have overall responsibility for the Company’s Risk function. Implement policies on risk management and internal control based on the identified risks. Cover risk management for the company. This includes the Risk Appetite, and general management of risk. Identify and evaluate the fundamental risks faced by the Company for consideration by the Risk and Compliance committee (RCC). Provide adequate information in a timely manner to the RCC on the status of the risk and controls. Oversee processes across the company and ensure they comply with risk management policies. Conduct ongoing monitoring and review of the risk identified with particular focus on the requirements and limits for Market Risk. Provide the Chief Executive Officer briefing on risk matters arising, and were deemed appropriate notify the RCC. Preparation of the Annual Risk Management Report and submit to the Board of Directors and thereafter to CySEC. Create specific KPIs for risk purposes for the board.
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