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Get extra benefits when opening an account with SwissCoinCo. What you get depends on your type of account as follows:
Standard: 10% swap reduction Advanced: 20% swap reduction + 1 analyst training session + 1K EUR dividends per month + 2 managed account sessions + 1 invitation to VIP events every 2 months Platinum: 30% swap reduction + 2 analyst training sessions per month + 3K EUR dividends per month + 4 managed account sessions + 1 invitation to VIP events per month Expert: 40% swap reduction + 4 analyst training sessions per month + 7.5K EUR dividends per month + 8 managed account sessions + 1 invitation to VIP events per month + access to premium trading room VIP: 50% swap reduction + 8 analyst training sessions per month + 15K EUR dividends per month + 12 managed account sessions + 1 invitation to VIP events per week + access to premium trading room |
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