🎁 BitMEX | Bug bounty program

  • Link: Bug bounty program from BitMEX

  • Dates: All year 2024
  • Available to: All clients.

  • Offer: Let BitMEX know as soon as possible upon discovery of a potential security issue and get rewards for them. What you get depends on the severity as follows:

    Low: $150 to $900 USD reward
    Medium: $900 to $4,500 USD reward
    High: $4,500 to $15,000 USD reward
    Critical: $15,000 to $30,000 USD reward
  • How to get: Register for a BitMEX Testnet account. Once the account is created, verify the email associated. Login twice - this will automatically KYC approve the account on the second login. Start Hacking.