- Link: Pricing and Risk Developer from CMC Markets
- Dates: All year 2023
- Job location: Manchester, UK.
- Job description: Design and develop Pricing and Risk components to support the firm's market-making business across multiple asset classes ranging across Equities, FX & Commodities. Partner with other key groups to ensure products are implemented efficiently and meet the tactical and strategic demands both internally (dealing, development, security) and externally (clients). Work with the Front Office users and Business Operations to address any issues. Maintain personal/professional development to meet the changing demands of the role, including all relevant regulatory and legislative training. Understand the nature of the trading floor business and the need to respond quickly and efficiently to issues that can or has caused business outage. Understand the agile development practices within the team including release quality control, cont. integration, testing, stand-up meetings, pairing etc.
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