🎁 UPME Group | $14 "No deposit Tour" bonus



January 13, 2014

Made 2 standard lot first before withdrawing any profits. That's why most people's withdrawal request were rejected. Now I'm still trying to make 2 standard lots and I hope I can withdraw the profits. Also, pay attention to the trading conditions. Stop saying "scam" to any broker without proper proofs. Ask yourself first, have you made 2 standard lots, closed orders less than 7 minutes, use martingale and EA? Better fund your trading account with your own money rather than screaming all out just because of $14. Kinda fun to watch


January 9, 2014

When i try to withdraw my profit it also say me "my ip address is dynamic "and also they make me account disable.
my account is 8047563
scam scam and scam broker.


January 9, 2014

Cheater broker!!!!
I was made 10 profit but when i try to withdraw my profit it do not give my money.and also ban my account.


January 9, 2014

Hi, is it sometime wrong with this broker in their trader cabinet and website ? I has tried many times but cannot upload documents for verification to withdraw and also cannot chat online with them.


January 8, 2014

upme is the good broker, they already transfer my profit 63 usd to my skrill account below 24 hours


January 8, 2014

i already get my profit 63 usd. good and honest broker. thanks so much


January 2, 2014

Something is not right here, I wonder why a a cheating broker like this will have this high rating on this site.
This is what they sent to me after requested for withdrawal in 6 days:

Your request for withdrawal funds rejected
Reason: To participate in promotion is not allowed customers who already have Trade Now, real or cent accounts. You already had 8038725 account before you open "No deposit" account. Account disqualified.

I smiled! I don`t even know them, not to talk of having account with them before now. They know what they are doing, and companies that are telling lies to cheat others are dark workers, and it is with time bad fate will catch u with them.



December 30, 2013

Am not sure if this is a broker, i will dislike them back on fb. I made withdrawal of JUST $15 since last week Friday early morning, they did not pay me any thing. Broker that could not pay $15 will never pay $150. Don't waste your time with this HOME BASED crook.


December 27, 2013

sorry i mean very good not very goof , Clerical error :)


December 27, 2013

Try to withdraw my profit, if they pay me, then they will also pay you. Don't do scalping from what I read here :)


December 27, 2013

very goof broker , they processed my withdrawal request 17 $ via perfect money

Md Ayub Ali

December 24, 2013

This is scam. Don't waste your time.They cancel my bonus and profit for nothing. You can check it Login: 8046766
Investor password: Uv94adca


December 24, 2013

Don't waste your time. This is a scam broker. I make 3.19$ profit from this bonus and After verify my account. I request for withdraw but they reject my withdraw.
They send me email like this below:

"Your request for withdrawal funds rejected
Reason: Percentage of orders made ​​in violation of the rules of trade is 71.42%. In accordance with the rules of trade, this amount shall not exceed 30%"

I remove there mt4 and do not trade there. You are also beware of them. Best of luck.


December 24, 2013

just sucesfully wd via Skrill my 47$ profit. This morning kindly asked to proceded all during day becouse of upcoming holidays and days off. They complete all within 5 hours. Facebook name check, checking of trades (scalping, duration of trade etc). Honest, fast, user friendly. All thos people who cry over this promo and broker just violated rules.


December 24, 2013

DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS SCAM BROKER !!!! Suddenly out of nowhere my account was DISQUALIFIED with no good reason. BAD BROKER

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