🎁 InstaForex | "FX-1 Rally" Demo Contest

⏰ Mar 7, 2025




August 23, 2014


You were mistaken if you think you are the only trader of our company who has ever made a profit. We have over 1,500,000 clients, and they make money every day and withdraw their profits everyday.
No I am not mistaken.
I am one of the few customers who have made ​​money without depositing.
So far, you have not won anything with me.
For this reason you cancel my profits and blocked my account.
But we never would allow a person who misused a gift given to him and used dishonest methods to make a profit to continue using the given bonus and withdraw money earned with a dishonest way
I have not used any dishonest method.
I made 2 trades (short gold).
$ 100 + $ 161 winnings
My account is 8265050.
I received the first advantage but not the second.
Publish my history and consult all traders in the world.
I made the same trades with other brokers. XM and DF Markets.
They paid me ... because they are honest.
You have no right to claim our company has scammed you, because first of all, you did not deposit a penny of your own funds, and second of all, you agreed with the regulations. How could you accept the rules in the first place, if you did not consider them honest?
I have no money because you have blocked my account.
You scammed me $ 200 bonus+ $ 161 Profit!
200$ bonus (one million options contest 06.09.2014 to 14.06.2014)
I do not have to deposit money. Your competition states:

The prize funds are not withdrawable, aim the profit made ​​over the prize Amount Can Be Withdrawn Without any restrictions.

Why put money?

I had it ... and you took it ! (Without any reason )
We understand that right now you have nothing else to do, but trying to blackmail us by posting dirty comments and relying on that we would give you the money, so you would stop posting all of this. But the sad truth is that we never fall to any blackmails. So, you're just waiting your time.
Blackmailing for $ 161 ????
I'm not a master singer, I do not you sing.
I clearly explained that it was not for the money but for the principle!
I'm not miserable for scam or extort someone 161 as you did with me!
I demand my money publicly and honestly !
I have sent thousands of email before coming to speak in public !
I have not received any response.
We have no intention to explain the prohibited techniques you used for your account, it would be the same as putting the keys to your safe with the money on lawn in the crowded place, where anyone could pick them up and take away your money.
There is no cheating.
I will publish my trading history (I have kept all the history) and I'll post the link on this forum!
Everyone will see that your broker does anything!
You can not explain the technique because there is none.

The only technique is that you are the scammers.
You do not like paid money.
You prefer your clients deposit money and lose! This is the only way for you to earn money!
You do not pass any order on the stock exchange ...

No need to add !
Is not it ?

and your favorite sentence : Best Regards !

@others traders : Check this forum and the comments : http://forum.instaforex.com/
InstaForex Scammed a lot of people !

IFX Yvonne

August 20, 2014

Dear Youri,

Dear Youri,

You were mistaken if you think you are the only trader of our company who has ever made a profit. We have over 1,500,000 clients, and they make money every day and withdraw their profits everyday.

But we never would allow a person who misused a gift given to him and used dishonest methods to make a profit to continue using the given bonus and withdraw money earned with a dishonest way.

You have no right to claim our company has scammed you, because first of all, you did not deposit a penny of your own funds, and second of all, you agreed with the regulations. How could you accept the rules in the first place, if you did not consider them honest?

We understand that right now you have nothing else to do, but trying to blackmail us by posting dirty comments and relying on that we would give you the money, so you would stop posting all of this. But the sad truth is that we never fall to any blackmails. So, you're just waiting your time.

We have no intention to explain the prohibited techniques you used for your account, it would be the same as putting the keys to your safe with the money on lawn in the crowded place, where anyone could pick them up and take away your money.

If you still have any questions, you can contact the Antifraud Department.


August 12, 2014

@IFX Yvonne

Indirect evidence :) = Stupid broker for a stupid anwser !

Which evidence ? Which fraude ? I undertake to pay 10k to your scam broker if you detected any fraude.

I maked only 2 trades ( Short Gold ) Account 8265050 I have all my statement !

You tell anything !

When you trade it is to earn money !

There is no fraud in my trading.

There is only two trades made.

Stop taking me for an idiot.

You do not want to give me my money because you do not win anything with a client like me.

If we follow your logic, you've already lost $ 100 with me (1 profit)

I won $ 200 by participating in a contest.

With my price, I won $ 100.

I withdrawal it. You WAS an Honest Broker.

After, I won $ 161.

Be honest, stop taking me for a fool and give me my money.

I did not trade currency, the FFMS will take my complaint.

It's not for money, but for the principle.

I will write to the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation and the FSB in order to prevent your scammers.

When the Finance Ministry and the FSB will know you accept bitcoins, things will change.

InstaForex is in Russian Federation

To have bitcoins in Russian is prohibited.

Do not try to play with words.

Have bitcoins being on Russian territory, it is forbidden !

Your broker is a scam.

So stay correct give me my money ... and good luck in your life.

We are clear ?

Thank You ... and sorry for my mails.

Ps : I trade since 3 years.
I try a lot of brokers. FxPro, IronFx, XM, eToro, LiteForex, FxOpen and You.
I never meet a problem ...
It's the first time !

Be honest ... Only one time !

IFX Yvonne

August 12, 2014

Dear Youri,

You got a reply from the Antifraud Dept. 10 days ago. Your prize along with the profit has been cancelled according to the contest regulations:

The Organizer reserves the right to declare any already given prize invalid and subject
to cancellation upon direct or indirect evidence of attempted fraudulent operations with the prize funds.

InstaForex is a group of companies all over the world. We do not accept bitcoins from Russian clients, because it is really prohibited in Russian Federation. If you have any doubts, simply check the Russian version of our site.

InstaForex Scam and evidence !

August 9, 2014

InstaForex is a big scam.

You can read my history with this broker here :


I have another evidence :

Instaforex is a Russian Broker.

The Bitcoin is not legal in Russian Federation.

Instaforex accept the bitcoin.

Instaforex is not a clear broker.

Don't trust this broker !


June 14, 2014

Saya mengikuti contes hampir tiap hari jum,at giliran saya menag juga didiskualifikasi
tanpa ada penjelasan baik melalui email atau yang lainya,yang sangat menyakitkan lagi saya menang tidak hanya satu kali tetapi tiga kali ,rakeng 1 rakeng 2 dan raking 3 semuanya tidak ada yang menerima hadiah
dan tidak ada penjelasan apapun

IFX Yvonne

May 20, 2014

Dear Bagiyo,

Please do not accuse our company without any solid proofs because we have thousands of clients withdrawing their profits without facing problems.


May 14, 2014

This broker is totally SCAM !!
I follow this contest and get prize, but after i waiting contest result one month long then i surprised because my name not showed on winner result and i get disqualification. I asking to admin contest and they accused me i have multiple account. By the way until now i still never found trader forex that win on the forex contest because cheat trick or make multi account, i have follow this contest maybe about one year and i just once get top rank and then this broker with easy accused me i have multiple account ??? wow
i think they make a some modus or reason for not paying my prize.

For all forex trader, i recommend to you better follow other contest from other broker, still many other broker that better from instaforex, specially for forex trader from indonesia, pull all your money from instaforex, i have read many dispointed review from indonesia trader about this broker.

Beware, this broker is totally SCAM


May 12, 2014

Trader indonesia saya sarankan JANGAN ikut kontes forex dari INSTAFOREX, saya sudah mellihat banyak beberapa review dari beberapa trader lokal yang dapet prize dari INSTAFOREX TAPI BONUSNYA GAK DIBAYAR !!
Saya sudah buktikan sendiri, saya udah menunggu capek" 1 bulan eh rupanya saya malah didiskualifikasi dengan alasan saya dituduh bikin akun lebih dari satu.

INSTAFOREX ini sudah mulai bikin ulah akhir-akhir ini, kasus yang pernah saya baca bukan masalah prize aja, tapi juga banyak trader indonesia yang mengeluh akunnya disabled dan uangnya ga bisa di withdraw.

Banyak trader lokal yang komplen di forum instaforex tapi komplennya kebanyakan selalu dihapus supaya tidak terbaca oleh banyak member, malah ada yang sampe kehilangan uang dalam jumlah yang sangat besar.



January 22, 2014

And after very complicated situation with standard account opening (indicated by me) they slowly fix the problem and today i got prize amount :D


January 13, 2014

Half year ago when was end of day (competition day) i end on 3rd place, but later they moved me to 1st place and i receive 500$ to already verified account.

Now on 10.01.2014. i end on 1st place. Right now i waiting for prize.... I beleive i will receive it.

My opininion is that is not hard to be in top 50.


December 5, 2013

I contest with this broker and win 4th place.When my nick show as 4th,i wait 3 weeks but nothing happend.
I mail support but they explain me that i register on different emails so i can't get my prize.
That is not true,i use same address for contest and after for registering real account.
So,i don't know what to say,i trade fully by the rules but no money for me.
Big liers this russians.Also when i prove to them my address as same,they stop corespondence and that is it.


January 11, 2013

I had the 4th place in dezember. It's take 2 weeks but I got the $400 on a real account.
Lot of people can not read...Contest Rules: "at least 5% of the total profit has to be derived from trading results on both GBPUSD and GBPJPY" And this people say I had a winner place but did not get the price. Scam broker... O, no, just you have to read...:)


December 2, 2012

My Friends,please look at this page: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.instaforex.com

This broker is totally scam! Also one of my friends had real account with them and he is really crazy about them, many re quotes and at last did not have any withdraw.
P.s. Dear FxBonus, I send this alert in all of Instaforex competition pages, please excuse me about that. Believe me I am not spammer, I want to all of our friends see that before getting start with them.
All the best


November 9, 2012

Insta had many restriction in their contest. limitation in volume, number of trades and even the currency which is traded!! I really find it very hard even to become in the first 10 person list!!!

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