🎁 InstaForex | "Lucky Trader" Demo Contest

⏰ Mar 10, 2025



fxtrader gendeng

January 27, 2014

saya juga juara tetapi untuk menerima hadiah harus membuka account dan memverifikasi acc tersebut, ini tidak masalah. yang jadi masalah adalah verifikasi di instaforex susahnya minta ampun... selalu di tolak walaupun scan ktp sudah yg paling bagus. kalau acc belum terverifikasi dana hadiah tidak di berikan,,,,,,,, edan... malas ikut turnamen di instaforex


October 20, 2013

pernah juara 1 kontes rally fx, tetapi tidak memperdagankan GPB/JPY akhirnya diskualifikasi, harap baca rule sebelum kontes, and benar verifikasi luamaa..


October 18, 2013

I won several prizes with this broker. Contests are transparente and absolutely reliable.
The big problema is the account verification servisse. The verification process is mandatory but the procedures and the time they take to aprove them is absolutely stressfull!!
Every contest you won, you have to open new account and the verfication service never accepts the documents scanned sent. Even if you have opened another accounts before!! You two levels to complete de procedure. For both they take up to 72 works hours (15 days *2 = 30 days!!!!!!!!!!)
The broker is reliable but the verification level procedure is absolutely stressfull. I hope they improve this.
Good trades for everyone.


July 11, 2013

Thank you bro for the reminds we all ..


December 2, 2012

My Friends,please look at this page: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.instaforex.com

This broker is totally scam! Also one of my friends had real account with them and he is really crazy about them, many re quotes and at last did not have any withdraw.
P.s. Dear FxBonus, I send this alert in all of Instaforex competition pages, please excuse me about that. Believe me I am not spammer, I want to all of our friends see that before getting start with them.
All the best

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